Energy label
Energy labeling of products for heating and domestic hot water production
Within a framework of European environmental policy aimed at protecting the climate and the environment, the European Union in recent years has launched a series of directives with the aim of reducing CO2 emissions in the European Union by 2020.
Some of these directives have had a strong impact on the way we consume, offering us greater awareness of how our choices can affect the environment around us.
An example are the two Directives Energy Related Products (ErP) and Energy Labeling (ELD), which aim on the one hand to reduce the energy consumption of products through eco-friendly design (ErP) on the other hand to make the label that shows mandatory the energy efficiency class for all appliances sold within the European Union (ELD).
These standards applied up to now to refrigerators, televisions and washing machines, have also been extended to space heaters such as air conditioners, boilers, heat pumps, etc. and appliances for the production of hot water such as DHW heat pumps, water heaters, hot water accumulators, etc.
The new label highlights not only the energy efficiency class but also other performances such as sound power, use, thermal power. In this way the final consumer will have more information to better orient themselves in the choice and purchase of these devices.
For environmental heating appliances such as air conditioners, the energy efficiency classes range from A ++ to G while for domestic hot water production appliances such as water heaters, they range from A to G.
Within a framework of European environmental policy aimed at protecting the climate and the environment, the European Union in recent years has launched a series of directives with the aim of reducing CO2 emissions in the European Union by 2020.
Some of these directives have had a strong impact on the way we consume, offering us greater awareness of how our choices can affect the environment around us.
An example are the two Directives Energy Related Products (ErP) and Energy Labeling (ELD), which aim on the one hand to reduce the energy consumption of products through eco-friendly design (ErP) on the other hand to make the label that shows mandatory the energy efficiency class for all appliances sold within the European Union (ELD).
These standards applied up to now to refrigerators, televisions and washing machines, have also been extended to space heaters such as air conditioners, boilers, heat pumps, etc. and appliances for the production of hot water such as DHW heat pumps, water heaters, hot water accumulators, etc.
The new label highlights not only the energy efficiency class but also other performances such as sound power, use, thermal power. In this way the final consumer will have more information to better orient themselves in the choice and purchase of these devices.
For environmental heating appliances such as air conditioners, the energy efficiency classes range from A ++ to G while for domestic hot water production appliances such as water heaters, they range from A to G.