The Climamarket Forest
We are the air we breathe: the Climamarket forest is born.
Goal: 1000 trees by 2024
We know how much heat generators, necessary for our thermal well-being, can have a polluting impact on the environment. For this reason, in recent years, we have adopted more environmentally friendly policies starting from the careful selection of products characterized by cutting-edge technologies able to comply with the increasingly stringent rules on environmental protection. Together, we decided to start a green project with Treedom: the goal is to plant 1000 trees by 2024. So our Climamarket Forest was born, because we want a greener planet and a fairer world.
The Climamarket Forest
By 2024, we are committed to planting 1000 trees that will help cut down about 198.8 tonnes of CO2. Each tree, in the course of its life, absorbs CO2 (carbon dioxide) from the atmosphere, fixing it in its woody parts. This activity allows you to subtract CO2 from the atmosphere and its effects are greater, the more trees are put in a position to grow and live long. Through Treedom we can measure the absorption of CO2 thanks to a calculation system that takes into account several elements (the species, the latitude and the longitude of the place where it is located, the average life cycle of a tree). This is how the woody mass of each tree is calculated, and consequently the amount of carbon it is able to absorb from the atmosphere in its first 10 years of life. The data used to perform these calculations comes from GlobAllomeTree, a database specifically used to calculate the storage capacity of carbon dioxide by trees. These calculations are, therefore, estimates - because it is not possible to measure and weigh each tree every year, and if some will be larger, others will be smaller. However, to ensure that calculations are conservative rather than optimistic, Treedom always plants about 5-10% extra trees.Our goal is reached through the 4 milestones we have included in the project:
- 250 trees to be planted by April 2023
- 250 trees to be planted by September 2023
- 250 trees to be planted by February 2024
- 250 trees to be planted by September 2024
The Climamarket Forest consists of different types of trees: avocado, cocoa, albizia, banana, coffee, cashew, tomato, grevillea. The trees will be planted in Kenya, Tanzania, Ghana, Colombia, Cameroon, Malawi.
All the benefits of Climamarket's Green project
With tree planting activities in Asia, Africa, South America and Italy, we will contribute together with Treedom to the achievement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) that are part of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development, adopted by all United Nations member States in 2015. It is a project aimed at reducing inequalities and stimulating economic growth, working together to preserve our oceans and forests and ensure a sustainable future.- Responsible consumption
- Quality of education
- Combating climate change
- Gender equality
- Biodiversity
- Economic growth
- Zero poverty
- Reducing inequalities
- Zero hunger
- Cooperation
Environmental benefits
Trees are valuable allies in the fight against climate change, because they produce oxygen and absorb CO2, trapping it in their trunks, branches and roots. Doing it, they improve air quality and help lower temperatures by removing CO2 from the atmosphere.But that's not all. Trees have many ways of making themselves indispensable.
- They bring life, providing shelter and nourishment to different plant and animal species;
- They promote biodiversity. A landscape rich in heterogeneous species is better resistant to disease and becomes a paradise for pollinating insects;
- They create an undergrowth capable of intercepting rainwater and giving the soil time to absorb them gradually;
- They absorb CO2 from the atmosphere;
- They counteract soil erosion thanks to their roots;
- They provide shade to smaller plants;
- They protect crops from winds and increasingly frequent extreme weather events;
- From the branches of some species (such as the Grevillea, Gliricidia and Cassia) wood is also obtained for cooking, thus avoiding cutting down the whole tree.
Social benefits
Our project aims to have a positive impact not only on the environment in which we intervene, but also on the people who live there. For this reason, the project areas are located in developing countries, where the benefits of trees can really make a difference.Treedom projects do not distort the productive nature of the farmers' land: previous crops are also preserved, but they are integrated with tree species that will improve their production capacity.
- All trees planted remain the property of the farmers who take care of them;
- Treedom finances the production of seedlings and the entire training phase, distribution and mapping of trees;
- Communities are formed step by step, acquiring skills that they can in turn transfer to others;
- Fruit trees offer farmers an extra income opportunity and enrich their diet;
- Some trees can provide branches, leaves and fronds also used as fodder or to build enclosures for animals;
- Some species are indispensable as medicinal plants for communities that, with no easy access to medical infrastructure, they still rely heavily on traditional medicine. For example, the Neem tree is also called "the healer of all ailments". The uses that can be made of every part of this tree, from the bark to the leaves, are almost endless: it is used to lower fever, treat inflammation and even brush your teeth!
Why did we choose Treedom?
Planting a tree does not simply mean throwing seeds in the field. It is a process of planning, training, care and maintenance that lasts over years. This is why Climamarket has chosen to carry out its project with Treedom, which has built a traceability system that guarantees the transparency of the projects. Photographing and geolocating the trees that are planted one by one requires a lot of time and energy. But it is worth it, because this step is crucial to check the state of the seedlings. If they are watered enough, if those that need them are supported by a splint or have the right mulch to protect them. It is a way to evaluate the professionalism and commitment of the beneficiaries of the project. These materials (photos and GPS coordinates) are also used to create the tree page with which each user follows the history of the project in which he participates. More than launching a seed: the transparency and traceability of Treedom.